catastrophic car accident

How Catastrophic Car Accidents Affect Families

Every car accident puts a certain amount of strain on a family. But minor car accidents leave families struggling with accident deductibles and a couple of days off of work; catastrophic car accidents completely change family dynamics and force family members to step into a caregiving role with minimal preparation or experience. After a catastrophic accident, it’s crucial that both the victim and their loved ones get the support and help they need to adjust to their new normal.

If you or someone close to you has been catastrophically injured, talk to an attorney as soon as possible. The team at Peake & Fowler is here to help—call us at 803-788-4370 to set up a consultation with our Columbia attorneys now.

Emotional Toll on Family Members

Catastrophic injuries take an immediate and dramatic emotional toll on close family members. Seeing someone you love go through severe injuries and life-changing trauma is traumatizing in its own right. It’s normal to experience grief, shock, anger, and depression. Those who were also involved in the accident but walked away with minor or no injuries may also feel a profound sense of survivor’s guilt. Families often struggle to handle the trauma of the actual accident as well as the challenges that come with providing physical and mental support to their severely injured loved one.

This pain does not often go away entirely, unfortunately. As the injured family member moves through their own stages of grief and loss, their family members will have to see them cope with the fact that their life is forever changed. It’s an incredibly painful experience to see someone you love in so much distress and know that you can’t do anything about it.

Physical Strain and Loss

Catastrophic injuries can also be physically demanding for family members. Close family members, especially those who live with the victim, are often thrust into a caregiving role by virtue of being present. This often means juggling medications multiple times per day, helping with showering and using the restroom, taking them to doctors’ appointments, and assisting with physical or occupational therapy. 

Caregiving is an extraordinarily physically demanding job; CNAs and personal care aides have some of the highest injury rates across all professions. The strain may be even greater if your loved one is completely unable to care for themselves or move independently.

Over time, this type of physical strain can lead to chronic injuries. Ideally, the family members will be able to bring in professional caregivers who can use assistive equipment to make lifts safer and smoother for the injured person. This isn’t always an option, though. In-home care can be incredibly expensive, and nursing home care is even more expensive. Close family units may not even want to consider these options, as they think of caregiving as something that should stay within the family.

The Financial Burden of Catastrophic Injuries

It’s no secret that catastrophic injuries are a major financial hit for families. Regardless of whether or not the injured person was a breadwinner prior to the accident, their injuries mean an uptick in financial needs for the family. If the person was their family’s breadwinner, that’s a significant gap that must be filled. If not, they still need someone to provide direct care—and that means time away from work or hiring outside help. If the injured person was the family’s homemaker, all of those tasks must now be split among everyone else or outsourced. This puts additional financial and time strain on a family who is already struggling.

Long-Term Adjustments

Adjusting to these changes is an ongoing process. It’s not something that a family goes through once and then never has to deal with again. As the individual’s injuries stabilize, the family will need to find what their new normal is and learn how to cope with it. It’s helpful to look into outside support from friends, mental healthcare providers, and support groups.

Hurt in an Accident? Contact Peake & Fowler Today

If someone close to you has suffered a serious personal injury, it’s time to talk to the team at Peake & Fowler. Reach out online or give us a call at 803-788-4370 to schedule a consultation now—you don’t have to go through this alone.