Hazards to Avoid During Summer Vacation

Hazards to Avoid During Summer Vacation

When school lets out for the summer and things slow down a bit, it’s easy to loosen up your usual safety standards—kids may stay out a little bit later, enjoy a bit more screen time, or snack more than usual. However, there are some areas where you truly cannot let your guard down for even a moment. Some summer hazards are so serious that they can literally cost you your life. Learn more about some of the biggest dangers in summer, and if you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, call Peake & Fowler at 803-788-4370.

Unsupervised or Under-supervised Swimming

Summer isn’t really complete without trips to the beach, the community pool, or a friend’s backyard pool. Some kids spend so much time in the water in summer that they seem to have chronically pruny fingers. But no matter how much time your little ones swim or how good they are at swimming, you must always be cautious. It only takes a moment for a strong swimmer to be swept away by a riptide, pulled under by a panicking child, or knocked out by a hit to the head. Drowning happens faster than you expect and more quietly than you expect.

Obviously, children should not be unsupervised while swimming—but what is under-supervised swimming? We’ve all seen it—a pool full of kids, and all of their parents around the edge. All the parents are talking to each other, looking at their phones, or reading a book. While they may all think they’re supervising their children, the fact is that no one is really watching closely enough.

Extended Sun Exposure

Long periods of sun exposure can cause serious health issues, from severe sunburns requiring medical treatment to heatstroke. You can fight some of the effects of sunburn and sun exposure with sunscreen and a wide-brimmed hat, but in some cases, you simply need to limit your time in the heat. Make it a priority to stay hydrated whenever you are outside and try to avoid too much outside time on the hottest days of the year. Get familiar with the signs of different levels of heat sickness, and act quickly if anyone in your group starts showing symptoms.

Rushed or Poorly Planned Travel

Traveling is one of the best parts of summer, but last-minute trips or rushed drives out of town can be anything but relaxing. It is crucial to travel with a plan. Car accidents are a huge risk in the summer months. You may be driving in unfamiliar areas, where you are surrounded by drivers who also don’t know where they are.

This makes it far too easy to drive at the wrong speed, turn onto the wrong road, or get distracted by your GPS. Giving yourself plenty of time to reach your destination and having a clear plan while traveling can help you avoid silly mistakes that lead to crashes. If you are driving to a new vacation spot, take a few minutes before leaving to check out the local roads and the general layout of the town.

Unsafe Boating

This is in line with the dangers of unsupervised swimming. South Carolina is full of amazing boating opportunities, but don’t even consider it if you don’t have the right safety gear. This means enough life jackets for everyone on board, a boat operator who is not impaired or inexperienced, and a clear timeline and plan. It also means staying off the boat when the weather is questionable—yes, even if everyone has looked forward to a boat day for weeks.

Make sure that you’re able to contact someone in case of an emergency and that you know where safety gear is kept on each boat. This gives you additional peace of mind and allows you to enjoy your trip a bit more.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim with Peake & Fowler

If vacation has brought you the unexpected expenses of an accident, you could be entitled to compensation. It all starts with a consultation with the team at Peake & Fowler, where we’ll look at your injuries and figure out if you have a valid claim. Set up a time to talk to us right now by filling out our online contact form or giving us a call at 803-788-4370.